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Black Hat Go
Black Hat Go

Black Hat Go explores the darker side of Go, the popular programming language revered by hackers for its simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. It provides an arsenal of practical tactics from the perspective of security practitioners and hackers to help you test your systems, build and automate tools to fit your needs, and improve your offensive security skillset, all using the power of Go. You'll begin your journey with a basic overview of Go's syntax and philosophy and then start to explore examples that you can leverage for tool development, including common network protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SMB. You'll then dig into various tactics and problems that penetration testers encounter, addressing things like data pilfering, packet sniffing, and exploit development. You'll create dynamic, pluggable tools before diving into cryptography, attacking Microsoft Windows, and implementing steganography. You'll Learn how to: Make performant tools that can be used for your own securit ...
SQL Server 2019 Administration Inside Out
SQL Server 2019 Administration Inside Out

Dive into SQL Server 2019 administration - and really put your SQL Server DBA expertise to work. This supremely organized reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, tips, and workarounds - all you need to plan, implement, manage, and secure SQL Server 2019 in any production environment: on-premises, cloud, or hybrid. Six experts thoroughly tour DBA capabilities available in SQL Server 2019 Database Engine, SQL Server Data Tools, SQL Server Management Studio, PowerShell, and Azure Portal. You'll find extensive new coverage of Azure SQL, big data clusters, PolyBase, data protection, automation, and more. Discover how experts tackle today's essential tasks - and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery. Explore SQL Server 2019's toolset, including the improved SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, and Configuration Manager; Design, implement, manage, and govern on-premises, hybrid, or Azure database infrastructures; Install and configure SQL Server on Windows and L ...
Building React Apps with Server-Side Rendering
Building React Apps with Server-Side Rendering

Leverage the benefits of both client-side and server-side rendering to get the most out of your React applications. By the end of this book you will be able to build and deploy React applications using the Next.js framework to fully render server-side HTML on every Web page. You'll begin by reviewing JavaScript fundamentals and how they work with the core principles of React. You'll then move on to Next.js, the React framework for server-rendered applications. Using this framework, you will create a fast and secure solutional React application that renders content on the server-side, protects sensitive information, and optimizes response times. Before deploying the application using Docker containers, you'll create automated unit tests to verify that every component is appropriately doing its job. Building React Apps with Server-Side Rendering also covers other fun and interesting topics such as Bootstrap 4, JSX (JavaScript XML), adding styling to your React applications, and muc ...
NGINX Unit Cookbook
NGINX Unit Cookbook

Alongside its popular web server, NGINX provides a dynamic application server that supports a RESTful JSON API. The open source NGINX Unit server deploys configuration changes without service disruptions and runs apps built with multiple languages and frameworks. This updated cookbook shows developers, DevOps personnel, network admins, and cloud infrastructure pros how to quickly get started with NGINX Unit. Hands-on recipes demonstrate Unit's new approach and show you how to deploy and configure this server for different applications. You'll learn how to run applications written in different languages on the same server, how to use NGINX Unit as the foundation for your web application development environment, and how Unit's RESTful API simplifies configuration. ...
Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services, 2nd Edition
Building Custom Tasks for SQL Server Integration Services, 2nd Edition

Build custom SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) tasks using Visual Studio Community Edition and C#. Bring all the power of Microsoft .NET to bear on your data integration and ETL processes, and for no added cost over what you've already spent on licensing SQL Server. New in this edition is a demonstration deploying a custom SSIS task to the Azure Data Factory (ADF) Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR). All examples in this new edition are implemented in C#. Custom task developers are shown how to implement custom tasks using the widely accepted and default language for .NET development. Why are custom components necessary? Because even though the SSIS catalog of built-in tasks and components is a marvel of engineering, gaps remain in the available functionality. One such gap is a constraint of the built-in SSIS Execute Package Task, which does not allow SSIS developers to select SSIS packages from other projects in the SSIS Catalog. Examples in this book show how to create a c ...
Windows 10 for the Internet of Things, 2nd Edition
Windows 10 for the Internet of Things, 2nd Edition

Manage and control Internet-connected devices from Windows and Raspberry Pi. Master the Windows 10 IoT Core application programming interface and feature set to develop Internet of Things applications on the Raspberry Pi using your Windows and .NET programming skills. New in this edition is coverage of enterprise-level tools and features in the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise server operating system, allowing you to manage IoT solutions having large numbers of devices and to deploy applications to enterprise-grade hardware. Windows 10 for the Internet of Things presents a set of example projects covering a wide range of techniques designed specifically to jump start your own Internet of Things creativity. You'll learn everything you need to know about Windows IoT Core to develop Windows and IoT applications that run on single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi. You'll learn to develop for the Raspberry PI using native Windows and all the related programming skills that you have buil ...
Windows 10 Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition
Windows 10 Troubleshooting, 2nd Edition

Troubleshoot Windows 10 the way the experts do, whatever device or form factor you are using. Focus on the problems that most commonly plague PC users and fix each one with a step-by-step approach that helps you understand the cause, solution, and tools required. Windows 10 is constantly evolving and changing and a great many aspects of the operating system, including many associated with troubleshooting and repair, have been changed, removed, replaced, or expanded since the first edition of this book was published. This new edition is updated with a dedicated chapter on using scripting tools for troubleshooting along with numerous updates on Windows device and update installation, Microsoft Sysinternals Suite, and Troubleshooting malware attacks. Additionally, there is extensive coverage of the technical diagnosis and troubleshooting tools you need from Event Viewer to Recovery Console. This book will help you discover the connections between different hardware and software in ...
SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd Edition
SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd Edition

Every Database Administrator, developer, report writer, and anyone else who writes T-SQL to access SQL Server data, must understand how to read and interpret execution plans. My book leads you right from the basics of capturing plans, through how to interrupt them in their various forms, graphical or XML, and then how to use the information you find there to diagnose the most common causes of poor query performance, and so optimize your SQL queries, and improve your indexing strategy. You'll also learn how to take advantage of the Query Store and the latest optimizations, Adaptive Query Processing. Every day, out in the various online forums devoted to SQL Server, and on Twitter, the same types of questions come up repeatedly: Why is this query running slowly? Why is SQL Server ignoring my index? Why does this query run quickly sometimes and slowly at others? My response is the same in each case: have you looked at the execution plan? An execution plan describes what's going on b ...
Network Programming with Go Language, 2nd Edition
Network Programming with Go Language, 2nd Edition

Dive into key topics in network architecture implemented with the Google-backed open source Go programming language. Networking topics such as data serialization, application level protocols, character sets and encodings are discussed and demonstrated in Go. This book has been updated to the Go version 1.18 which includes modules, generics, and fuzzing along with updated and additional examples. Beyond the fundamentals, Network Programming with Go, Second Edition covers key networking and security issues such as HTTP protocol changes, validation and templates, remote procedure call (RPC) and REST comparison, and more. Additionally, authors Ronald Petty and Jan Newmarch guide you in building and connecting to a complete web server based on Go. Along the way, use of a Go web toolkit (Gorilla) will be employed. This book can serve as both an essential learning guide and reference on networking concepts and implementation in Go. Free source code is available on Github for this book u ...
Modernizing Your Windows Applications with the Windows App SDK and WinUI
Modernizing Your Windows Applications with the Windows App SDK and WinUI

If you're a developer looking to improve and modernize your existing LOB applications to leverage modern Windows features without having to rewrite the entire application from scratch, this book is for you. You'll learn how to modernize your existing Windows Forms, WPF, and UWP applications and enrich them with the latest Windows features. Starting with sample LOB applications that cover common scenarios, you'll learn the differences between various components and then focus on design features for improved visual aspects like accessibility and responsive layouts. The book shows you how to enhance your existing applications using Windows App SDK components and various Windows APIs, resulting in deeper integration with the operating system. You'll be taking a closer look at WinML, which enables Windows applications to evaluate machine learning models offline and leverage the power of your machine, or notifications, to engage with your users in a more effective way. You'll also lear ...
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